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You do not have to be a professional cyclist to enjoy the benefits of a bike fitting. The right fit can increase your comfort and power, leverage your strengths as a cyclist, help you corner and descend with confidence, and accommodate any injuries or limitations you may have on the bike. Even if you are new to cycling you'll experience a new level of riding enjoyment with a bike position that is bio-mechanically optimal and uniquely yours.  Call today to book your appointment, (402) 261-8854.

How Does It Work?

  1. Starting with a pre-fit physical assessment, your fitter will take into account your body’s limitations, previous injuries and pains, and your goals on the bike.

  2. From there, the fitter will have you get on your bike to place LED markers on 8 anatomical points of your body which will be tracked by the Retül Vantage Motion Capture system. The Retül Vantage system is used to collect real-time, three-dimensional data from each pedal stroke creating a dynamic fit experience.

  3. The real-time data is compiled into the Retül fit software so that the fitter can look at the numbers and dial you into your perfect riding position.

  4. Once you and your fitter have dialed in your final bike position, the fitter will create a digital map of your final bike set up using the Retül Zin tool. The bike data and Zin tool measurements are generated into a complete fit report that you can reference at any time after the fit.



Assessment Steps

  1. Interview

  2. Ischial Tuberosity Width

  3. Forefoot Angulation

  4. Foot Structure Measurement

  5. Level Pelvis

  6. Forward Spinal Flexion

  7. Hamstring ROM

  8. Hip ROM

  9. Ankle ROM

  10. Leg Length Discrepancy

  11. One-Third Knee Bend


Fit Steps

  1. Saddle Selection

  2. Cleat Placement and Rotation

  3. Saddle Height

  4. Saddle Fore/Aft

  5. Handlebar Width

  6. Handlebar Reach and Drop

  7. Bar Rotation and Lever Position

  8. Hip Angle

  9. Z-Plane Assessment

  10. Leg Length Adjustment

  11. Arch Support

  12. Forefoot Support

  13. Stance Width

  14. Follow-Up

I’ve been riding with knee pain for the past three years. I finally went through a Retül fit and the real-time knee tracking showed that I needed more arch support. There was immediate relief.
— Retül fit customer
  • Bike Setup - 50 - Frame Sizing, Saddle Height, Saddle Position Fore/Aft with 30 day follow ups

  • Bike Sizing - 125 - Frame Sizing, Saddle Height, Saddle Position Fore/Aft, Rotate Handlebars, Saddle Measurement with Digital Sitbone Device(DSD) with 45 day follow ups

  • Advanced Bicycle Fit - 275 - Physical Assessment, Frame Sizing, Saddle Height, Saddle Position Fore/Aft, Rotate Handlebars, Saddle Measurement with Digital Sitbone Device(DSD), Handle Bar Width, Reach and Drop, Hip Angle, Leg Length Adjustment, Foot Support, Stance Width, Cleat Placement with 6 month follow ups

  • Advanced Bicycle Fit with 3D Motion Capture - 350 - Physical Assessment, Frame Sizing, Saddle Height, Saddle Position Fore/Aft, Rotate Handlebars, Saddle Measurement with Digital Sitbone Device(DSD), Handle Bar Width, Reach and Drop, Hip Angle, Leg Length Adjustment, Foot Support, Stance Width, Cleat Placement, 3D Motion Capture with 9 month follow ups